Tart and rich blackberry with an icy finish
Gcore Juice (Excise Tax) Blackberry Ice 20MG 30ML
$26.67 -
A rich blend of red apples with watermelon and strawberry
Gcore Juice (Excise Tax) Apple Strawberry Watermelon 20MG 30ML
$26.67 -
Savor the taste of a classic summertime treat with this refreshing e-liquid. The juicy sweetness of ripe strawberries is perfectly paired with the tangy taste of fresh kiwi, all served over ice for a flavour that is both satisfying and rejuvenating. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a fruity e-liquid or just need a pick-me-up on a hot day, this classic strawberry kiwi blend is sure to deliver. And with a cool and invigorating exhale, this e-liquid offers a refreshing and revitalizing vaping experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle anything. So why wait? Treat your taste buds to this classic summertime flavour today!
Fruitbae Salt (Excise Tax) Strawberry Kiwi 30ml