The peaches provide a sweet, juicy and slightly tangy taste that is balanced by the mango’s tropical flavour. The addition of Banana Bang’s signature banana flavour gives a subtle creamy undertone that complements the fruit flavours perfectly.
Banana Bang Freebase (Excise Tax) Peach Mango 60ml
$34.29 -
The pineapple provides a juicy and sweet taste that is balanced by the coconut’s nutty and creamy notes. The addition of Banana Bang’s signature banana flavour gives a subtle creamy undertone that complements the tropical flavours perfectly.
Banana Bang Freebase (Excise Tax) Pineapple Coconut 60ml
$34.29 -
The pineapple provides a juicy and sweet taste that is balanced by the peach’s slightly tangy and sweet flavour. The addition of Banana Bang’s signature banana flavour gives a subtle creamy undertone that complements the fruit flavors perfectly.
Banana Bang Freebase (Excise Tax) Pineapple Peach 60ml
$34.29 -
The cactus provides a distinct and succulent taste, with a subtle sweetness that makes it a perfect all-day vape. With Berry Drop’s signature touch, the cactus flavour is enhanced, making it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Cactus 60ml
$34.29 -
The Dragon Fruit provides a sweet and slightly tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Dragon Fruit 60ml
$34.29 -
The grape flavour provides a sweet and juicy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Grape 60ml
$34.29 -
The guava provides a sweet and slightly tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Guava 60ml
$34.29 -
The lime provides a tangy and zesty taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Lime 60ml
$34.29 -
The peach provides a sweet, juicy and slightly tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavors.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Peach 60ml
$34.29 -
The pomegranate provides a sweet and tangy taste with a hint of tartness that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavors.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Pomegranate 60ml