The red apple provides a sweet and tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Salt (Excise Tax) Red Apple 30ml
$24.76 -
The strawberry provides a sweet and juicy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Salt (Excise Tax) Strawberry 30ml
$24.76 -
A light robust tobacco blend cured with hints of oak that is smooth upon inhale with a relaxing and soothing finish.
BlackWood Salts (Excise Tax) Black Diamond 30ml
$24.76 -
A sweet aged Burley tobacco crumbled with mouth watering rich graham crackers, a touch of caramel, and finished with notes of cinnamon and vanilla.
BlackWood Salts (Excise Tax) Double Barrel 30ml
$24.76 -
The famous Italian hand roasted coffee brewed to excellence with a classic marriage of steamed milk, a hint of sweetness, and delicious pressed coffee. Simple and sure to satisfy any lover of coffee.
Brew House Salts (Excise Tax) Caffe Del Latte 30ml
$24.76 -
Coffee nut syrup blended together perfectly with mocha infused caramel sauce, finished with the finest whipped cream making this flavour to be the most exquisite, medium roast coffee blend Italy can find. Poured into a frosted glass, topped with whipped cream and more of that sweet, sweet caramel. Decadent and divine.
Brew House Salts (Excise Tax) Caramello Macchiato 30ml
$24.76 -
A rich espresso frothed up with steamed milk and infused with the flavour of decadent Crème brûlée. Topped with whipped cream and dusted with caramelized sugar for a rich and smooth all day vape.
Brew House Salts (Excise Tax) Latte Bruciato 30ml