The sweet and bold juices from matured banana produced by the luscious fruit fields were meticulously blended with delectable melon followed by celestial pineapple slices to form a divine concoction called Zen.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Zen 30ML
$24.76 -
A cool, refreshing watermelon vape that leaves your tastebuds covered in sweetness and joy.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Blitz 30ml
$24.76 -
A sweet combination between pineapple, cherry and lime.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Cherri Code 30ml
$24.76 -
A premium robust flavour perfectly blended for those who enjoy smooth and full bodied tobacco that’s the closest to the real thing.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) El Bacco 30ml
$24.76 -
A blast of fresh mint leaves from beginning to end. A true mint vape, Fresh Burst keeps your senses invigorated with every vape.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Fresh Burst 30ml
$24.76 -
Packs a powerful punch with pineapple, guava, and other tropical fruits.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Haka Punch 30ml
$24.76 -
A delicate blend of blueberry and lime that captures a tropical island in every vape.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Island Tings 30ml
$24.76 -
A succulent blend of Strawberry, Melon and Banana
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Meloha 30ml
$24.76 -
An explosion of juicy mangos that leaves your taste-buds watering and begging for more.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Mucho Mango 30ml
$24.76 -