Take your taste buds on a trip and wander through a MIRAGE of a fruity blend of mellow blueberries perfectly paired with tangy pineapples all the while supported by vibrant kiwi notes.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Mirage 30ML
$24.76 -
A juicy and vibrant pineapple for your all day vaping pleasure! Experience the bright and balanced notes that will keep you thinking of the sunny shores all day long.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Papio 30ML
$24.76 -
Enjoy a cooling vape filled with juicy handpicked strawberries that are carefully paired with fresh pineapples, ripe bananas and delicious coconuts!
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Paradise 30ML
$24.76 -
Full-bodied tobacco, topped with a small scoop of creamy vanilla and sprinkled with rich chocolate.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Patas Pipe 30ML
$24.76 -
This juice will give you the perfect amount of incredibly smooth peaches and features a powerful burst of citrus punch immediately after.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Puris 30ML
$24.76 -
A special treasure from deep within the Tribe12M jungles. Succulent, ripe strawberries gently dipped in a light coconut cream
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Saimiri 30ML
$24.76 -
Relax your taste buds in a SANCTUARY filled with a delicious medley of ripe peaches and nectarines divinely crafted with delectable watermelon slices and fresh strawberries.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Sanctuary 30ML
$24.76 -
A delicious blend between Passion Fruit, Raspberry and Strawberry.
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Shoku 30ML
$24.76 -
This pleasing, but not overpowering concoction of tropical fruits is the perfect complement for any daydreaming, beach vacationing aficionado. Sit back and give your taste buds an exotic vacation while they attempt to identify what the fruits are!
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Tropika 30ML
$24.76 -
Enjoy a moment of Wonder with bright citrus notes harvested from nearby orange trees, fused together with slices of succulent pineapples, all the while indulging in the heavenly bites of exotic guava!
12 Monkeys Salts (Excise Tax) Wonder 30ML