This e-liquid features a lemon lime soda flavor that is freshly squeezed to perfection, providing a taste that is both zesty and irresistible. The combination of tangy lemon and sweet lime creates a perfect balance of flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Freebase (Excise Tax) Green Lime 60ML
$34.29 -
This e-liquid features a blend of sweet peaches, oranges and notes of mango, creating a harmonious combination of flavours that will tantalize your taste buds. The sweetness of the peaches is balanced perfectly by the tangy citrus of the oranges, with a hint of tropical mango adding an exotic touch.
Chill Freebase (Excise Tax) Orange Peach 60ML
$34.29 -
This e-liquid features a sparkling splash of fruits, accented with delectable notes of vanilla and cream, creating a pure pink soda perfection. The combination of sweet fruit and creamy vanilla creates a perfect balance of flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Freebase (Excise Tax) Pink Dream 60ML
$34.29 -
This e-liquid features a delicious combination of pure pineapple juice, ripe raspberries, fresh strawberries, slices of orange, a delectable Fuji apple, and a few drops of lemon extract to zest up this delightful, fizzy, tropical beverage. The combination of these fruits creates a perfect balance of sweet and tart flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Freebase (Excise Tax) Punch 60ML
$34.29 -
This e-liquid features a divine blend of delicious strawberries, infused with sweet black cherry juice and a bubbly finish that is guaranteed to wake up your taste buds! The combination of these fruits creates a perfect balance of sweet and tangy flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Freebase (Excise Tax) Red Berry 60ML
$34.29 -
This e-liquid features a vibrant blue raspberry soda flavour that is bursting with fizzy fruit goodness and a unique blend of ripe raspberries. The taste of the blue raspberry soda is balanced with the sweet and tart taste of ripe raspberries, creating a truly satisfying and refreshing vaping experience.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Blue Raspberry 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features a crisp and juicy pineapple flavour that is blended with exotic fruits and a hint of fresh zesty orange. The taste of the pineapple is complemented by the sweetness of the exotic fruits and the tangy citrus of the orange, creating a truly satisfying and refreshing vaping experience.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Golden Pineapple 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features a lemon lime soda flavor that is freshly squeezed to perfection, providing a taste that is both zesty and irresistible. The combination of tangy lemon and sweet lime creates a perfect balance of flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Green Lime 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features a blend of sweet peaches, oranges and notes of mango, creating a harmonious combination of flavours that will tantalize your taste buds. The sweetness of the peaches is balanced perfectly by the tangy citrus of the oranges, with a hint of tropical mango adding an exotic touch.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Orange Peach 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features a sparkling splash of fruits, accented with delectable notes of vanilla and cream, creating a pure pink soda perfection. The combination of sweet fruit and creamy vanilla creates a perfect balance of flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Pink Dream 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features a delicious combination of pure pineapple juice, ripe raspberries, fresh strawberries, slices of orange, a delectable Fuji apple, and a few drops of lemon extract to zest up this delightful, fizzy, tropical beverage.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Punch 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features an exotic mix of grapes and ripe raspberries picked freshly from the vineyard, steeped to absolute perfection. The combination of these fruits creates a perfect balance of sweet and tangy flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Purple Grape 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid features a divine blend of delicious strawberries, infused with sweet black cherry juice and a bubbly finish that is guaranteed to wake up your taste buds! The combination of these fruits creates a perfect balance of sweet and tangy flavours that will leave you feeling refreshed and wanting more with every puff.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Red Berry 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid is perfect for those who love the taste of fresh, juicy fruits and want to enjoy a satisfying vaping experience. The combination of strawberries and bananas creates a perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess, making it perfect for vaping all day long.
Chill Salts (Excise Tax) Strawberry Banana 30ml
$24.76 -
It features a rich and indulgent blend of freshly baked double chocolate doughnuts, smothered in a decadent chocolate frosting and finished off with a sprinkle of chopped hazelnuts for added crunch. The warm and comforting aroma of fresh-baked doughnuts combined with the rich chocolate and nutty hazelnut flavours will make your mouth water.
Crave Salt (Excise Salt) Hazel 30ml
$24.76 -
This e-liquid captures the rich and creamy flavour of a cold glass of chocolate milk, with a smooth and satisfying finish that makes it the perfect all-day vape. Whether you’re looking for a sweet and satisfying treat or just want to relive childhood memories, MOO MOO by CRAVE is the perfect choice.
Crave Salt (Excise Salt) Moo Moo 30ml
$24.76 -