The grape flavour provides a sweet and juicy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Grape 60ml
$34.29 -
The guava provides a sweet and slightly tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Guava 60ml
$34.29 -
The lime provides a tangy and zesty taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Lime 60ml
$34.29 -
The peach provides a sweet, juicy and slightly tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavors.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Peach 60ml
$34.29 -
The pomegranate provides a sweet and tangy taste with a hint of tartness that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavors.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Pomegranate 60ml
$34.29 -
The raspberry provides a sweet and tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Raspberry 60ml
$34.29 -
The red apple provides a sweet and tangy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Red Apple 60ml
$34.29 -
The strawberry provides a sweet and juicy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Strawberry 60ml
$34.29 -
The watermelon provides a sweet and juicy taste that is balanced by Berry Drop’s signature touch that makes it a perfect balance of flavours.
Berry Drop Freebase (Excise Tax) Watermelon 60ml
$34.29 -
The famous Italian hand roasted coffee brewed to excellence with a classic marriage of steamed milk, a hint of sweetness, and delicious pressed coffee.
Brew House Freebase (Excise Tax) Caffe Del Latte 60ml
$34.29 -
Toffee nut syrup blended together perfectly with mocha-infused caramel sauce finished with the finest whipped cream making this flavor to be the most exquisite, medium roast coffee blend.
Brew House Freebase (Excise Tax) Caramello Macchiato 60ml
$34.29 -
A rich espresso frothed up with steamed milk and infused with the flavour of decadent Crème brûlée. Topped with whipped cream and dusted with caramelized sugar for a rich and smooth all day vape.
Brew House Freebase (Excise Tax) Latte Bruciato 60ml