Indulge in the tantalizing taste of Fruit Burst by Fruitbae, an e-liquid that packs a punch with a burst of different fruits! With every puff, you’ll experience a medley of fruity flavors that will leave your taste buds dancing with delight.
Fruitbae Freebase (Excise Tax) Fruit Burst 60ml
$34.29 -
If you’re looking for an e-liquid that truly captures the essence of blueberries and kiwi, look no further. Unlike other e-liquids that end up tasting artificial, this e-liquid is unique and offers a fresh, authentic taste.
Fruitbae Freebase (Excise Tax) Blueberry Kiwi 60ml
$34.29 -
This e-liquid offers a unique and balanced blend of tart black currant and fresh red raspberries, finished with a cooling exhale. The sourness of the black currant is perfectly counterbalanced by the sweetness of the red raspberries, creating a harmonious and delicious taste experience. The chilled exhale adds a touch of refreshment, making this e-liquid perfect for those who enjoy a fruity flavor with a twist. Whether you’re looking for a satisfying vape to start your day or to unwind after a long day, this e-liquid is sure to delight your taste buds and leave you feeling refreshed.
Fruitbae Freebase (Excise Tax) Black Currant Raspberry 60ml
$34.29 -
Introducing Fruitbae’s delicious e-liquid Banana Berry, a perfect blend of two fruity favorites that will tantalize your taste buds! With every puff, you’ll experience the luscious and sweet taste of ripe bananas, perfectly balanced with the tart and tangy flavor of juicy berries.
Fruitbae Freebase (Excise Tax) Banana Berry 60ml
$34.29 -
Indulge in the sweet taste of ripe bananas paired with a refreshing coolness. This e-liquid delivers a simple yet satisfying flavour, with a cool exhale to complete the experience.
Fruitbae Freebase (Excise Tax) Banana 60ml
$34.29 -
A burst of tangy red and green apples paired with sweet mixed berries, this e-liquid delivers a refreshing taste experience. Enjoy the satisfying blend of fruit flavours, finished with a crisp and cool exhale. Perfect for those seeking a fruity and chill vaping experience.
Fruitbae Freebase (Excise Tax) Apple Berry 60ml
$34.29 -
Savor the taste of a classic summertime treat with this refreshing e-liquid. The juicy sweetness of ripe strawberries is perfectly paired with the tangy taste of fresh kiwi, all served over ice for a flavour that is both satisfying and rejuvenating. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a fruity e-liquid or just need a pick-me-up on a hot day, this classic strawberry kiwi blend is sure to deliver. And with a cool and invigorating exhale, this e-liquid offers a refreshing and revitalizing vaping experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle anything. So why wait? Treat your taste buds to this classic summertime flavour today!
Fruitbae Salt (Excise Tax) Strawberry Kiwi 30ml