A hybrid of rich tobacco infused with a fresh hint of mint guaranteed to satisfy with its unprecedented flavour.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Tobacco Mint 30ml
$24.76 -
A great eliquid composed of Papaya, mango, and melon.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Tropic Raid 30ml
$24.76 -
Combines succulent raspberries and blueberries that form to deliver a sweet, yet tart, vaping experience.
All Day Vapor Salts (Excise Tax) Verry Berri 30ml
$24.76 -
A unique strawberry and apple blend will tantalize your taste buds and give you an unforgettable vaping experience.
Apple Drop Salts (Excise Tax) Strawberry 30ML